active travel

We design urban environments around active, human-powered transport to reduce air pollution and enhance living conditions. Collaborating with stakeholders such as local governments, policymakers, campaign groups, highway engineers, schools, and citizens, we develop strategies and deliver projects prioritising cycling and walking.

artistic practice

Our work is grounded in artistic practice and evolved through art commissions and collaborations. These initiatives are calls for action, provocations and critiques of given conditions. They are a testbed for ideas and, at times, the beginning of something new.

building design

Embracing a non-fussy, simple, and restrained design language, we have refurbished, reconfigured, and expanded existing structures to accommodate changing needs and designed proposals for zero-carbon public buildings.

housing environments

We work in the social housing context to adapt existing buildings, transform shared open spaces, and create the social infrastructure that complements housing. Our participatory process is guided by a commitment to sustainability and resilience.

public space

Our public realm work focuses on ordinary streets and neglected open spaces. We collaborate with neighbourhoods and borough councils to create urban environments that improve the quality of life for people and nature. Greening is a key objective – from tree planting to sustainable urban drainage solutions

urban ecology

Our projects leverage local knowledge and community participation to create more equitable, climate-resilient urban environments. We support grassroots organisations in their efforts to effect change locally. Small projects can bring powerful, positive outcomes for people and places.