Biggs Square, E9 5DS

“I feel sorry for people who have children. There is no where to play. We need areas for play” (Biggs Square resident)

Wick Session at Biggs Squarewith Sarah Bancroft who lives on Biggs Square, May 2013. Wick Sessions are organised by public works.
June 2011

“The garden has for sure brought people together, I for one speak to people when they are out there.” (local resident)

Infrastructure for Vacant Lot no.12: A Plant beds within existing raised planter B Water towr, storage and info board C Raised planter for wheelchair access D Seating, table
  • dates:
    2011 – ongoing
  • land ownership:

    Family Mosaic

  • size:


  • number of plots:


  • plot size:


  • partnership:

    what if: projects Ltd, Groundwork London, Family Mosaic

  • funding :

    Big Lottery, Family Mosaic

  • part of :

    Vacant Lot