How might we meet the demand for ‘GROW-YOUR-OWN’ within dense urban areas where available land is scarce?
As part of the London Festival of Architecture What if:projects promoted the use of vacant, neglected and undefined spaces in the inner city of London for the production of vegetables. The team travelled a grow bag through London’s square mile, placed a tomato house in the shape of Canary Wharf next to the Building Centre in Store Street and constructed a grow bag installation on Hoxton Square.
Hoxton Square, N1: 20.6.-20.7.08
Within Hoxton the team identified 18451m2 of space fit for growing food. The mapping of these spaces formed part of the exhibtion.

2025 - commissioned by:
London Festival of Architecture: 20.6.-20.7.08 - funding:
LFA, London Development Agency, London Food Link, Groundwork East London
- support:
Jessica Bernado, Ian Burgess, Gianpaolo Fransceschini, Billy Valencio, Jo-Anita O’Dude, Heidi Rustgaard
- related:
Vacant Lot
Vacant Lot @ Louis Vuitton
Plant Room
The Travelling Shed