Since 2014, our team has collaborated with LBWF Highways to deliver award-winning active travel infrastructure and transform some of Waltham Forest’s most traffic-congested streets. Waltham Forest is a forward-thinking and proactive borough that places environmental sustainability and active travel at the core of its initiatives. A series of integrated public realm schemes have focused on reimagining streets—creating space for walking and cycling while accommodating multiple species and celebrating the diversity of public life.
The borough’s strategy aims to create more climate-resilient environments by introducing impactful green and blue infrastructure that is accessible to all. By actively engaging residents and businesses in the design process, these strategies address localised air pollution, flooding, and the heat island effect while enhancing biodiversity, wildlife habitats, and carbon storage. Community stewardship and care are integral to these efforts.
Our projects are responsive to the social and cultural conditions of each place, realised through diverse collaborations with local households, community groups, council teams, and schools. This diversity of collaborations ensures that projects are tailored to the unique needs of the community but also fosters a sense of inclusivity and belonging among all stakeholders.
what if: projects has delivered a broad range of projects in collaboration with Waltham Forest’s in-house teams, including Highways, Trees, Parks and Open Spaces, Regeneration, and Street Lighting. These projects and programs align with the borough’s strategic objectives and can be categorised as follows:
Mini-Holland ‘Village’ schemes
Mini-Holland ‘Route’ schemes
Area-based programs
Active travel buildings
EV infrastructure
Wayfinding and placemaking
Public realm improvements
Local neighbourhood schemes
Strategic street improvements

The engagement of schools in the design, development, and delivery of public realm and greening schemes has significantly informed a series of projects in Waltham Forest. By prioritising the needs of multiple species, we have developed processes that expand children’s understanding of their interconnectedness with the surrounding environment. Through playful and interactive methods, we highlight the links between the biodiversity crisis and the spaces right outside their schools. In doing so, we aim to instill a sense of agency, connectedness, and responsibility towards the environment we share with the many living species that sustain us.
Project sites
01. Lea Bridge Road: quiet way
02. Orford Road
05. St. Mary’s Church Drive: green route
06. Ruckholt Road
07. Greville Road: public space
08. Pretoria Avenue: school route
09. Waltham Forest borough signs
11. WF Cycle Centre
13. Five Streets
14. Leytonstone Blen (Greenhubs)
15. Coppermill Liveable Neighbourhoods
16. Coppermill Lane Design Framework
18. Davies Lane School Gateway
19. Sutherland Road Improvements
21. Mission Grove Primary School SuDs
Project families

A Mini-Holland village public realm schemes
B Mini-Holland route schemes
C Area-based schemes (Coppermill and Leytonstone BLEN)
D Active travel buildings
E Borough Welcome Signs
F Walthamstow Gyratory public realm
G Sutherland Road improvements
2014 – ongoing - commissioned by:
London Borough of Waltham Forest