Coppermill Lane Design Framework

Coppermill Lane, a vital access route into Walthamstow Wetlands, is a cornerstone in enhancing the overall visitor experience. In 2018, supported by the feasibility study prepared by what if: project, Coppermill Lane was awarded Liveable Neighbourhood Funding, and works are scheduled to be implemented on site in 2019-2021. The Coppermill Lane Design Framework proposes a range of interventions that focus on the whole route from St. James Street Station to the new Wetlands entrance.


Coppermill Lane Design Framework, 2020

Our key principles were to introduce light aspects of the Wetlands environment onto this crucial route, provide an attractive and appealing access route for visitors to the Wetlands entrance, and, most importantly, create a safe, attractive route for cyclists and pedestrians, ensuring their visit is both enjoyable and secure.

Projects have been developed into three distinct phases:

  • Early implementation: light touch projects linking St. James Street station to the new Wetlands entrance that improve orientation and way-finding and develop a route identity to Coppermill Lane.
  • Core projects: New public realm interventions focus on the new Coppermill ‘Wetlands Zone,’ which includes places to sit, spend time, enjoy nature, and orientate oneself along the route. These projects complement new carriageway and footway improvements, creating a safer and more accessible environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.
  • Connecting projects: A public realm and highways project that focuses on the section of Coppermill Lane from the Flood Relief bridge to St. James Street.