Old Kent Road

As a resident of the Old Kent Road and co-founder of the architecture practice what if: projects, Ulrike Steven has led several collaborative initiatives that creatively engage with planning processes, meaningfully contributing to the regeneration of the Old Kent Road area where 20,000 new homes, the size of a new town, will transform the urban landscape.

The series of projects listed below are the result of collaborative efforts involving many neighbors, local businesses, architecture students, the what if: projects team and the community interest group Action OKR / Peckham Weeklies. The immense amount of time volunteered and the professional pro bono support provided were invaluable and essential in making this work possible.

LEX opening, photo by Alexander Christie, 2023
Nicholas Okwulu and Ulrike Steven at LEX 2, photo by Henri T, 2023
Site visit, photo by Alexander Christie, 2022
231 OKR, photo by Alexander Christie, 2019
LEX consultation, photo by Alexander Christie 2019
LEX consultation 2019, photo by Alexander Christie, 2019
OKR model, photo by Alexander Christie, 2019
Livesey Library, photo by Alexander Christie, 2018
OKR model, photo by Alexander Christie, 2018
Asylum chapel, photo by Alex Christie, 2016
LEX 1 workshop, photo by what if: projects, 2017
LEX 1 worskhop, photo by what if: projects, 2017
LEX 1, photo by Alexander Christie, 2017
OKR walk and workshop visit, 2017
LEX 1 workshop tour, photo by Alexander Christie, 2017
First open day at LEX1 (2016) with Cllr Richard Livingstone, Cllr Michael Situ, Cllr Evelyn Akoto, Ulrike Steven, Nicholas Okwulu

Old Kent Road project list

OKR meanwhile years (2023)
Livesey Exchange/ LEX 2 (2017-ongoing)
Livesey Exchange / LEX 1 (2015-2017)
Action OKR (2018-ongoing)
Urban room OKR /now 231 OKR (2019)
Old Kent Road: Walks (2017-2019)
Planning Action OKR, Livesey Library (2018)
this is not nothing, LEX 1 (2017)
Knock’d’em in the Old Kent Road, Asylum Chapel (2016)

Peckam project list

now is the time, Safehouse Peckham (2015)
Peckham Weeklies (2014-2016)
Peckham Co-design (2014)

  • dates:
    2017 – ongoing
  • location:
    Old Kent Road, London